Whether you've never set intentions in your life or you just want to level up your intention setting game, I'm going to show you how to get clear on what you want, decide where you're going and make a plan of action to get you moving that way.
I know you want to feel that you're living from your heart, not from habit. That you're free to create the life of your dreams, not follow what everyone else is doing. That you want to be happy and proud of yourself and keep growing into what's possible. Getting intentional in your life is an act of self love. It's a choice to start looking forward and building what you want deep down. When you choose to live from a space of intentionality, you live from your heart and what you really want vs. letting life run you. You carry out your truest desires and purpose for your life. You're connected to what you want, who you want to be and you take action to move that way. You choose to stop living on autopilot and live on purpose! You live true and there's no better feeling than being the girl in your own life who's giving you everything you want.You are the artist of yourself and your life. When you decide who you want to be and where you want to go, you just start. You put one foot in front of the other and go.

- a notebook + pen
- a great playlist to get inspired ~ click here for my monthly Spotify Playlists!
- your favorite candle, essential oils & anything else to get you into the mood to dream
- phone on silent & distraction free
The previous three steps are the foundation to now set your intentions. The core of an intention is how you want to show up. Clear intentions begin with an "I will" or "I am" statement that are followed up by what you are choosing to step into in your life. Your intentions are statements that say: what you want is already done. It's already in the bag sister. All you have to do is state it, believe it then step into it.- start your intention with "I will" or "I am"
- focus on what you will do, not what you won't do (ie: I will focus on what I think about myself vs I will stop worrying about what others think of me)
- your intentions are a statement of how you want to show up in your life, think of them as you going into your future, deciding what you want and creating intentions that say, "this is who I am" and I'm being her now!
- I will keep leveling up, stepping into my discomfort and be excited for the next step
- I will be a magnet for people who encourage my growth & inspire me
- I will embrace the challenges that come my way because I know they hold all the gold in lessons
- I will be the lighthouse and shine my brightest light in service of others

A list of 5-10 is a really great list to focus on for the year. It can be easy to get carried away with your intentions because they're just so much fun to extract the lemonade out of the lemon of your visions but you don't want to get so many where you aren't able to really focus on them as individuals and as a whole. You'll know it when you get them. And it's really fun to make one intention span over personal and business or personal and financial, etc. You'll find your intentions can work across the board in some cases!
- What would {your name} a year from now do?
- How would {your name} a year from now act?
- How does {your name} a year from now show up?
Now it's your turn. Take some time with yourself, light a candle, turn an inspiring playlist on and jam out to creating some magic!
When you're finished with your intentions, it's time to go back and crystallize them. What I mean by this is go back and verify that they're all true for you and adjust if needed. The intention is to feel whole and complete and look at your list and say to yourself, HELL YAH, that's it baby. If there are words, intentions or the phrasing of them that isn't a hell yes, go back and refine until it is. You'll know it by the feeling of it. Trust your intuition, she knows her shit.
Action follows intention. Think about it: when you decide you're going to be healthier and you say, "I will be the healthiest version of myself this year," your actions will look very different with this intention vs. if you didn't have an intention. The times I wasn't intentional about what I put in my mouth, I would put whatever felt good in the moment in my mouth. The action changes based off the intention you set for yourself.
The result follows your action. If the intention is the compass guiding your ship forward to where you want to go, the action is the person steering the boat. {{that's you}} The result is where you go and where you end up down the road. The result follows your action.
Now that you have crystal clear intentions of where you're going, who you want to be and how you want to feel over the next year, it's time to create a list of action steps that you'll follow over this next year that support the intentions you have. In your journal, rewrite your first intention and the action steps in the format below. As an example, I'll show you one of mine: I will embrace the challenges that come my way because I know they hold all the gold in lessons.
Action steps:
- When a challenge comes my way, I will stay grounded in knowing this isn't happening to me, it's happening for me.
- When a challenge comes my way, I will watch myself and observe the thoughts and feelings that come up. Then I will manage them by redirecting them to my new story vs. my old story. ie: I will ask myself, "What can I learn from this?"
- If I start going down the rabbit hole of negativity when a challenge arises, I will take a deep breath, go read my intention and reset myself
Do this with each intention. When you do this for each intention, you're creating scenarios to set yourself up for success. You're creating action steps that literally anchor you as the person taking on this new path. Just as a captain would make sure she knows where she's going, she'd also know how she's going to get there and the back up plans if something goes wrong. She's prepared and ready for any situation and knows her plan has to be steady, firm and strong to withstand any obstacles.
This is what you're doing with each intention and action steps you create. You'll also notice when you list out the action steps for each intention, you might feel this literal anchoring feeling. You're teaching your subconscious mind to be ready to respond no matter what comes up. The next time I face a challenge, I am literally prepared for how to respond to it because I've mapped it out and in doing so, I'm directing my subconscious before it even has a chance to react in its old way. I'm literally laying down the course for it to follow. When you're finished with your action steps for each intention, you've completed the mission of setting your Powerful AF Intentions for 2021! Look to them every single day and keep stepping forward fiercely!